Usuario ae293018ou

Antigüedad: 4 años (desde Jul 27, 2020)
Tipo: Usuario registrado
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Acerca de mí: Organic Herb Inc. is a joint-stock company established by Changsha Organic Herb Inc. Changsha Organic Herb Inc. was registered in Changsha County,Changsha, Hunan province on 24th December, 2004. It is completed the Joint-Stock System Reorganizationin in July 2015 and updated the company name as Organic Herb Inc. Organic Herb Inc is issued“Business License of Enterprise Legal Person by Changsha Administration for Industry & Commerce on 31th July, 2015 and listed on New OTC Market successfully on 16, October 2015. Organic Herb Inc. ‘s legal representative is Xirong Liu and the business scope of the development, production, marketing for plant extracts; Research and development of biological products, and production of traditional Chinese medicine .
Organic Herb Inc. established a wholly-owned subsidiary of Phyto Nutraceutial Inc.  and Jiangxi Organic Herb Biotechnology co., LTD. which is located in Ychun city, Jiangxi province. Organic Herb Inc. is specialized in Rhodiola Rosea Extract, Bilberry extract, Maca Extract, Tongkat Ali Extract, Resveratrol, Grape Vine Extract, Epimedium Extract, Natural Colors and plant functional components such as the high purity extracts and standardized extracts.
Organic Herb Inc.’s products focus on the combination of technology and market demand to ensure the products have high technical content and the broad applicability, and pay high attention to its environmental protection and high efficiency.China Rosemary Extract

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